
Space Planning for Higher Education

Office space planning is more than just selecting the right furniture

Ivy may still be growing on the outside walls of educational institutions, but inside those walls students and faculty are seeing a big change in the spaces they share.  Technology clearly is huge driver in the planning of all campus facilities, but new ideas about collaborative learning, multi-generational student bodies and the most cost efficient use of space are all factors for the interior designer and space planner as Knoll reports in its Workplace Research, “Limitless Learning; Creating Adaptable Environments to Support a Changing Campus”.

Attracting and retaining top student and faculty is an important task for educational institutions.  As Knoll reports, “62% of high school seniors made their college choices at least partially on the basis of the appearance of the campus buildings and grounds.”  At the same time economic pressures from the public and private sector are enormous.  It makes more and more sense to carefully design campus space.

Cost effective office space planning creates multi-functional  areas that can be used as a classroom, lecture room, or meeting room and that means both the furniture and the power connections need to be adaptable. Space plans show administrators how a lecture room with mobile tables and chairs can be easily reorganized into a small group activity space or a special event dining area.  Making sure that the technology connections for hardware, data and power are available takes special planning.

Some of the most exciting spaces on a campus are the lounges, cafes, and even outdoor patios. Space planners look for places to students to interact, share ideas, and create a sense of community.  Comfortable seating area, mobile whiteboards and lots of connectivity spark new collaborative ideas.

Office space is a valuable commodity for faculty members and education administrators. They need workspace for writing and research, efficient bookcase storage and an area to meet with students. While private office space is shrinking, a space planner can blend the work styles of both older and younger faculty members and achieve an overall campus aesthetic. Let Systems Furniture show you how we can help transform your space.